
Import Contacts from a File

Import Contacts From a File

Importing Contacts From a File

Take the following steps to import contact information from a CSV file to Interspire Email Marketer.

  1. Click Contacts in the navigation bar, then click Import contacts from a file.
  2. Select the contact list (or lists) to which you want to import contacts in the Contactlist  field.
  3. In the Import details section, define how you want to import the contacts:
    • If you intend to send confirmation emails to the contacts in the future (as part of a double‐opt‐in procedure), select Unconfirmed in the Mark as confirmed list. Otherwise, select Confirmed.
    • If you want to configure imported contacts to receive plain text emails only, select
    • Text in the Format list. Otherwise, select HTML.
      Note: HTML contacts can receive both HTML and text emails.
    • When you select Yes, overwrite existing contact details, an email address that is already stored in the contact list is overwritten if the same address appears in the imported contact list.
    • When you select Yes, add contacts to autoresponders, any autoresponders created for this list are sent out to the imported contacts. If you deselect this option,
    • the imported contacts do not receive autoresponders. If you are not sure, deselect this option.
  4. In the File details section, specify how the file you want to import is configured:
    • If the file you want to import contains headers (a line of information at the start of the file that defines field names), select Yes, this file contains headers.
      Note: The names of field headers should be separated by the character you specify in the Field separator field.
    • Specify the Field separator your file uses to identify where fields begin and end.
    • If your file uses a character to enclose fields information, enter it here. If you are not sure, leave this field blank.
  5. If you want to import a file from your computer, select Upload a file from my computer and click Browse to locate the file.
  6. If you want to import a file that is already on the Interspire Email Marketer server, select Import a file from my web site and select the file.

    Note: Upload the file to the server’s Admin/Import folder first.

  7. Click Next.
  8. This screen allows you to map the fields in the imported file with fields in Interspire Email Marketer’s contact list.
    The text on the left of the screen displays the fields in the imported file. Select the contact list field to which each field should map.
  9. Click Next
  10. Click Start importing
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